Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
Graphic element with blue to violet gradient shape
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual
A pattern made of dots placed behind the main visual

Transform AI chatting into an organized and intuitive experience

Transform AI chatting into an organized and intuitive experience

Transform AI chatting into an organized and intuitive experience

DiveDeck is a structured heuristic deck builder, powerd by latest AI chatting technology.

Easily manage your AI dialogues,
dive into topics seamlessly
trace ideas effortlessly

DiveDeck is a structured heuristic deck builder, powerd by latest AI chatting technology.

Easily manage your AI dialogues,
dive into topics seamlessly
trace ideas effortlessly

DiveDeck is a structured heuristic deck builder, powerd by latest AI chatting technology.

Easily manage your AI dialogues,
dive into topics seamlessly
trace ideas effortlessly

DiveDeck Demo
DiveDeck Demo
DiveDeck Demo


The videos displayed below are all from the development stage,

and the final product is subject to change upon official release.


Dive Into Anything
with AI Decks

Dive Into Anything
with AI Decks

Experience a new way of AI chatting where AI curates decks based on your topics or concerns.

Every reading deck is a step towards deeper knowledge.

Experience a new way of AI chatting where AI curates decks based on your topics or concerns.

Every reading deck is a step towards deeper knowledge.

Experience a new way of AI chatting where AI curates decks based on your topics or concerns.

Every reading deck is a step towards deeper knowledge.


Chat Progressively with Layered Structure


Your conversation with AI is NOT linear.

Press [Dive into] button on any decks, you can branch out topics, and explore deeper subjects at your own pace.

Your conversation with AI is NOT linear.

Press [Dive into] button on any decks, you can branch out topics, and explore deeper subjects at your own pace.


Customizing AI Conversations

Sessions on
Local Decive

You may insert your comment notes into the AI conversation and modify or discard specific sections of the session to customize your content.

DiveDeck enables you to colorize deck cards for learning or presentation purposes, reflecting a personal style.

You may insert your comment notes into the AI conversation and modify or discard specific sections of the session to customize your content.

DiveDeck enables you to colorize deck cards for learning or presentation purposes, reflecting a personal style.

You may insert your comment notes into the AI conversation and modify or discard specific sections of the session to customize your content.

DiveDeck enables you to colorize deck cards for learning or presentation purposes, reflecting a personal style.


Multi-language and Different Perspectives

With different
AI Roles

Ask AI with any languages and get ideas or answers from different AI roles you define, ranging from a teacher for an 8yo child to an experienced business manager.

Ask AI with any languages and get ideas or answers from different AI roles you define, ranging from a teacher for an 8yo child to an experienced business manager.

Ask AI with any languages and get ideas or answers from different AI roles you define, ranging from a teacher for an 8yo child to an experienced business manager.


Privacy-First Storage

Sessions on
Local Decive

Unlike other AI chat products, we do not store your sessions on our servers. Instead, your sessions are saved locally on your device until you choose to share them online.

Unlike other AI chat products, we do not store your sessions on our servers. Instead, your sessions are saved locally on your device until you choose to share them online.

Unlike other AI chat products, we do not store your sessions on our servers. Instead, your sessions are saved locally on your device until you choose to share them online.


The images displayed below are all from the development stage,

and the final product is subject to change upon official release.


All about
Knowledge Equity

Harnessing the power of the Internet and AI, our mission is to accelerate knowledge acquisition for everyone, everywhere.